I know Christmas is around again because:
1. My diet Coke can looks different than the usual.
2. I got an amazing useless gift with my special order from any fast food place I visited
3. 10% of the price of the cologne I bought will be distributed for a philanthropic purpose (I hope at least they don’t mean more animal testing, by this)
4. I gave my condoms’ changes to a beggar, while I usually try to ignore these kind of people (they don’t fit with the utopia, it’s hard to be achieved, in any case)
5. I’m trying to decide the color of my New Year’s Day about- to- buy underwear
6. I already change any radio station whenever they play Last Christmas, because I’m so fed up of listening to it since the begging on November
7. I take a look at my bank account and I promise to myself to do that trip to London next year, definitely
8. The repetition of the question “so, what do you want me to get you this year?” from people around and myself, gets more and more frequent
9. Santa and his twins have deluged the malls
10. I get 10 euros poorer in the hope I’ll become 1 million euros richer. A wild dream they call it, the national lottery, I do.
PS: I hate to do this but I need to explain in fear of getting misunderstood. I could in no case get that superficial or arrogant and selfish, but I only criticize the perception we some times tend to get about this period of time. Love and peace for everyone…
1. My diet Coke can looks different than the usual.
2. I got an amazing useless gift with my special order from any fast food place I visited
3. 10% of the price of the cologne I bought will be distributed for a philanthropic purpose (I hope at least they don’t mean more animal testing, by this)
4. I gave my condoms’ changes to a beggar, while I usually try to ignore these kind of people (they don’t fit with the utopia, it’s hard to be achieved, in any case)
5. I’m trying to decide the color of my New Year’s Day about- to- buy underwear
6. I already change any radio station whenever they play Last Christmas, because I’m so fed up of listening to it since the begging on November
7. I take a look at my bank account and I promise to myself to do that trip to London next year, definitely
8. The repetition of the question “so, what do you want me to get you this year?” from people around and myself, gets more and more frequent
9. Santa and his twins have deluged the malls
10. I get 10 euros poorer in the hope I’ll become 1 million euros richer. A wild dream they call it, the national lottery, I do.
PS: I hate to do this but I need to explain in fear of getting misunderstood. I could in no case get that superficial or arrogant and selfish, but I only criticize the perception we some times tend to get about this period of time. Love and peace for everyone…
At 10:22 AM,
Suzan Abrams, email: said…
You musn't ignore beggars like the way you say you do, Yio that they don't fit in with other beautiful things.
They're human beings with real feelings and you don't know what painful circumstances in life forced them to beg.
At least, they took that challenge head on and did not turn to crime or suicide.
I'm old enough to volunteer that life can be very nasty and such terrible things can happen to anyone at any one time.
So do kind if you can.
At 10:38 AM,
yioeng said…
hello sue, well, i don't defend myself, but i could never do what i write i do on the post... i actually felt awakrad writing the part with the beggar, but i felt like i needed to write it...
in the paragraph below the numbered sentences i explained that i just critisize the way many many people act... it's the love holidays, but it turned out to be just some consuming days...
there's alienation and neglection, people believe that they belong in sects and the ones who think they are in the superior ones taunt the rest...
well, big issues, i tried to include in that post and even if it's writen like i embrace what i wrote i actually distate them...
although, it's good u protested sus
At 11:12 AM,
Suzan Abrams, email: said…
Just that I know life holds all kinds of surprises for each of us.
Anyway, so glad you explained and your explanation sounds intelligent and makes a lot of sense.
And yes, you are so right about what you said in the para. Well said to that.
At 2:07 AM,
Rethabile said…
I didn't quite understand N°4. N°10 is oh so true!
At 5:21 AM,
Suzan Abrams, email: said…
How are you doing today, this lovely Tuesday, Yio?
At 9:51 AM,
yioeng said…
hello rethabile, this No4... i had this feeling while writing it, having to become some more cruel...
literaly, it says that i give a few coins to a begar while i normally don't even notice them...(i already explained this is not me)
metaphoricaly it says that we only remember destitute helpless people only some specific days of the year, people believe they live in norms and they could vanish the ones below them in the first chance...
there are some words i use in that sentence, like utopia, which express the irony i'd like to depict
that's all man, thanx for bothering
At 10:16 AM,
yioeng said…
gmrning sus, or more likely have a nice afternoon... i liked that comment... thanx for asking... i'm at work right now,wandering around internet... i read ur post but i couldn't post my comment there, so i write it right here...
that was a good first post to read for the beggining of my day
have a nice rest of the day sus
At 8:00 AM,
turquoise cro said…
AhhhhHHhhh!! to be in Greece again if it's only on the internet! Thanks for visiting, I'll blog again sometime maybe but the way my pc is acting, it might just blow up any day now! Phew! Right now, with every type I type it's making some kind of noise, do you know anything about the pc? It might be just a vibration of some kind, I'll have to experiment,(I'm lifting a peanut butter jar off a phone book that is laying near the pc right now, nope, that wasn't it! lol) yeah like I have time to experiment! LOL HEY YOU! Have a MERRY CHRISTMAS! and I won't forget YOU if I win the lottery, I hope YOU won't forget me if YOU win! Is it a deal my friend??? Yeah, let's spread the cheer! My sister-in-law and I just made this deal today too! Someone we know has to win sometime, don't they? Take care my little Greece man! Why London??? My niece is married to an Englishman! If YOU don't hear from me for a while, you know probably my pc has blown up! LOL
At 8:36 AM,
Suzan Abrams, email: said…
Hey Yiomeng, already Thursday afternoon here.
Like Turquoise I too wish you, a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year. And thanks for praising my post.
At 10:14 AM,
yioeng said…
hey turquoise, so nice to hear from u... merry christmas to u too...
well about the pc i really don't know... the only reasonable explaination is that it has been taken by the aliens heheheh...
but honestly, it sounds like exploding, so keep it in distance...
the lottery, well, all the best the deal is a fact... i guess in this way we increase our chances don't we?
about london, i don't know is a trip i've always wanted to do... it's like the lemonpies i guess... i've never been there but it sounds like my ideal destination... like u with greece i guess
happy holidays for u and the people u love...
At 10:17 AM,
yioeng said…
gmorning sue, i guess that's the way it's gonna work... u'l say good afternoon and i gmorning...
thanx for the wishes and i wish u too happy holidays...
well, about the post it's just that i'm glad ur doin' fine
chiya, oh that's my new greeting i may keep on using it
so, chiya
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