lemonpie dreams

i've never tasted one but they sound delicious

Monday, January 01, 2007


I wish everyone a happy new year…
This year it was rather some yellow Christmas than white –no snow at all and too much sun- but it was fun…
I wish everyone had some great time also
For me it was so much food, going out, enjoying the companionship with my friends, having good time with my family, playing with my dog…
Furthermore, there is a tradition in Greece which says that in New Year’s Eve you have to play this game with the cards named 21 and you need to bet some money, you know not so much, just to get it a little more interesting and I’d say that last night for me was ripping my friends off… That was fun definitely...

Here, everything you need for a nice New Year's night... a glass of gin, cards and salty bisquits playing the role of money

Here, me clubbing


  • At 8:18 PM, Blogger turquoise cro said…

    AhhHHHH! to be in Greece for the New Years! only if it's on the internet! lol HAPPY NEW YEAR!to YOU!and YOURS! let's HOPE your good luck continues!(remember our little deal? heh heh) Happy 2007!Stay healthy!!!LOVE and prayers, Cinda XOXOXOX

  • At 8:50 PM, Blogger yioeng said…

    happy new year to u too cinda... thanks for the wishes

  • At 5:42 AM, Blogger Suzan Abrams, email: suzanabrams@live.co.uk said…

    So you ripped your friends off good & proper, Yio...That's a fine start to the new year :-)
    Btw, I thought that a yellow Christmas was a nice way of descibing your environment. Save it for a story you may want to write someday. It's an intriguing phrase.
    Happy New Year, Yio and I look forward to reading your posts.

  • At 9:17 PM, Blogger Katie said…

    It sounds like you had a great time! and the gin sounds really good.

  • At 1:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hola yioeng!i'm one of the friends you ripped off!!it surely wasn't my day!it was about time i made a comment.i 'd like to say we 've had a very good time in christmas holidays and i have so many homework to do from now on...also,i forgot my cds one more time.i don' t need them,though!
    muchos besos,amigo

  • At 9:39 AM, Blogger White Square said…

    Wish you a very Happy New Year 2007 to you and your family Yioeng and look forward to many more creative things coming from such a talented person like you!
    May all your wishes come true this year!


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