lemonpie dreams

i've never tasted one but they sound delicious

Thursday, May 25, 2006


Heat… Hot…. High temperatures….
However you call it, it’s the same thing. So, this afternoon was a great opportunity to go to the sea.

I really enjoyed it though there was a little more wind than the appropriate, sea became wavy and some seaweed made their appearances dominant. But it was my first bath in any case and it was fantastic just for that.

Apart from my sister my dog followed as well and it was his first swim ever. He seemed to like it and like all dogs by instict do, he was pretty good at swimming and he could float by the very first second. The time we left him alone outside on the beach while we were swimming he was crying like a small wolf.

P. S A fleeting remark
In Greece a lot things malfunction and this troubles a lot parts of our lives but for balance's grace we can enjoy sea, sun and sand. That's the public's comfort/(opium).


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