lemonpie dreams

i've never tasted one but they sound delicious

Saturday, April 15, 2006


My old school has been upgraded! My sister and I go there regularly the last two weeks because there have been constructed two tennis courts in the front yard now and playing tennis is an absolutely great evening- way- out thing! So after the game we went to have a five minute rest in the place where we used to “chill” with our former classmates during the breaks while we were still students...
But disappointingly, I didn’t get the feeling of that time as I was expecting… I may was “chilling” for once more in a spot that I had spend so much time in my school years but nothing of what I was seeing was a part of an old memory… Maybe it is that in the old days I wasn’t viewing 5x5 soccer fields and tennis courts as now…
But anyway this is not my point! I’m probably trying to say here that even if you try to live something from the past again, it’s unworthy… The changes that occur to everyone and to everything make it impossible to revive a single moment twice… I guess is really confusing what I’m trying to say, or it’s so plain and I make it seem confusing…
To wind up, I guess that since we are not in place to have a second taste of an old pleasing experience we should always try to make the ones we live in the time being, seem like really unrepeatable ones…


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