lemonpie dreams

i've never tasted one but they sound delicious

Friday, March 03, 2006


Do people ever change or they never do? Really controversial issue... If I’d say -it depends- I would place myself right in the middle and I wouldn’t like that...
So, let me express my syllogism about the matter and cite the incident which provoked this contemplation…
I saw a friend of mine after a great deal long time in the local bar the other night... and we had our awkward moment.... Not the sexually intense awkward kind of moment but the one when you don’t know what to talk about and you just stare at your drink, as if it could possibly change formation, and you gulp extremely big drains of it just to earn yourself some time....
The awkard talking went almost like this:
-so nice to see you, where you’ve been all this time?
-so, how are you doin’ in general...
-that means you’re great...great...
…long pause...
-so, I see you look...renewed...what...? how?
-long pause again...
-maybe i should go....you got me on my way out....let’s arrange to go for a coffee or something...you know...to catch up....
Finally, I didn’t have to go cause a few more gulps later we found our old selves and we talked like we hadn’t spent all those months apart...
But, as you understand it took us several minutes to identify each other... You could say it, almost like dogs do, but with human-ier ways... That means that I didn’t have to smell some parts of her body... Some jokes and some teasings were just enough to break the ice....
But I guess that this has happened to everyone... and not just once.... I guess I believe that situations make people change. Some events make you grow and some others make you grey...That’s life! When you haven’t seen a friend for a big time and you meet each other again, you can more easily perceive, that he/she has changed... And that’s not extraordinary cause probably you’ve changed too. It’s just that more often people change in different ways and they loose their “spot of contact”...In marketing terms it is called the “field of shared experiences” or that’s the way we transalate it in Greek marketing terms...
On the other hand, if you have recently found yourself in the 84’ class reunion and you have found out that the former classmate plus chess club president remains a geek, the cheerleader captain is still as hot as hell and have married the football striker and you, although have lost the excessive kilos, still are the lonely guy who stands in the corner, but who’s walkman has been turned into an mp3 then all right, you‘ve got a point... But again, who said that people change... utterly, anyway... Maybe their main characteristics remain the same after years of outside transformation, but some parts of them do change... For most of the times...


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