lemonpie dreams

i've never tasted one but they sound delicious

Friday, March 03, 2006


Hello to everyone... I haven't post for a while, mostly because i couldn't figure out something...postable worthy... but also cause this week was way too busy...
Along some others, all these days I've been searching for a decent company to excerise my practise-semester but as I figured out this whole searching wasn't as an easy thing as I was expecting it...
Not to boarden any further, I haven't took any desicions yet about which company suits me better... So, now that I'm writing this, I was supposed to be with a professor of mine who is supposed to be in charge of training-semester issues and who is also supposed to be a helpfull guy for students like me(who don't know what to do with their lives)...
So I woke up today, which by the way is a brilliant sunny day, and instead of going for a coffee or something with my friends, I preffered to come in the faculty... Such a fool! I'm sacrifising a few hours of hanging around, doing something so profound as drinking coffee and gossiping the passers-by, for coming to find a teacher who I keep forgetting his name...
Anyway, the teacher wasn't where he was supposed to(that means his office)and here I am in the library writing this post...
Well, I think I'm gonna take off now, cause I just took a look around and I'm the the only guy here... Everyone left... They all probably went to enjoy their cool coffees somewhere better-decorated than here... Even the three Erasmus students who where sitting two sits beside me left... What language were they talking? It could equally be Turkish or French...

PS The title above is absolutely irrelevant but yesterday that i was thinking about a story or something to blog-post these words came in my mind... I consider it as a... catchy title but I couldn't make out a story adjacent to this... Of course, I could write that I've been torured by a gang or something or that someone hit me so hard or that they stole me on the street ouTside my house last night and things like that... but as you can see I'm a pathetic liar... I think I am in the ones who just can't help it but tell the truth and only the truth...


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