This is my dog Loco. It’s been a while that he’s been missing, basically almost a month and a half, and since, I was thinking about writing a post about him or not. Well, this morning I saw this pic and I thought that I probably should.
I really have lost hope to finding him after that long and I really don’t believe that I might see him again. Of course deep inside me I nourish the idea that, almost as theatrically as it happens in the movies with people of course, I may see him somewhere in the future again.
The first couple of weeks after he’s been gone/stolen, my whole family were looking for him everywhere possible. We had informed the people we know as well and there were few times that we were said that he was spotted here or there, or we were getting phone calls from people who knew that were looking for Loco that telling us to go and get him from their neighborhood cause he was there but every time he was mistaken for “somedog” else.
I think that now I have overcame the fact that Loco is not part of our family anymore (cause when were having him it was like he was), and maybe that’s why I decided to write all this. I guess that the reason I didn’t want to write about he being gone is because I didn’t want to realize that he in truth was. My second reason which is probably irrational is because I was feeling guilty being so upset about the loss of just a dog (though he wasn’t only that) when around me are occurring so many unpleasant events. I mean in general. But I believe that if I wasn’t so concerned about Loco, cause I was taking care of him and I was responsible for feeding him etc, how would I be concerned about the rest of the mess that is happening in my small town or world widely….? I guess that this loss is a minor predicament compared to a children living in a third- world country, in high poverty and being under feed and uneducated and and and… These are so irrelevant that it’s even a shame to even say these two are incomparable things… But on one hand, what is going on in our own little microcosm takes a special place from all the other events, event if they are one million times greater than our matters and until considering what is happening on the other side of the world part of our microcosm, we will always mourn about our dog more than a strange ill kid, and one the other hand if I don’t have the sensitivity to become upset about such a close event to me, how would I, about something that is happening so many miles away…
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