lemonpie dreams

i've never tasted one but they sound delicious

Sunday, June 25, 2006


A couple of days ago I was thinking about millions of things to write here but today I can remember none.
Maybe it is that I slept at 7 am this morning and I woke up at 12 am.
Maybe it is that last night I drank a little more than I usually do.
Maybe it is that I tend to get distracted by one more million things (and that’s the way it should be).
Or it is that a friend borrowed me his mp3 and I’m listening around 20 favorite great songs at the same time and I’m absolutely overwhelmed.
Or that I’m only thinking of the sea and I wish I were on a beach right now as I did yesterday all day long.

Comment: I can't help by listening Nancy Sinatra singing Bang Bang over and over again because it's just brilliant. Voice, music, lyrics, theatrical expressiveness. Great great


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