lemonpie dreams

i've never tasted one but they sound delicious

Saturday, April 08, 2006


The truth is that lately, my posting frequency battles as equal to equal the amount of the times an eight year bored married couple has sex. Once in a week that it is! In my defense this last period was busy without question and the times I had the chance to post a… post I was out of ideas… Today is also the same but I feel like I need to write something. Anything… Maybe I should start writing without thinking what I’m actually writing because I’ve heard that this reveals derelict thoughts of the one who is practicing it… Tempting! Maybe some other time…

I started jogging the other day and even though I know that “pilates”… rock lately, I prefer to remain a traditional, old-fashioned and a so 80’s chap in this field! It was so so exhilarating! And my only chance to get rid off the jkdfs pounds I gained this winter… But apart from that it felt like… a meditation activity! My mind pushed away stress and everyday contemplations the moment I started running… The place was a bucolic one, ideal for the purpose. Plenty of trees, a river creek and bird tweets. And all this in 10 minute walk distance from my downtown apartment…


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